All Regions UK blu-ray release, playable on all worldwide blu-ray players. Please note that Disney Rewards are not available in the US (only in the UK). John Lasseter directs this Pixar animated comedy adventure sequel. When slow-witted tow truck...

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Disney's animated classic takes on a new form, with a widened mythology and an all-star cast. A young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Belle, the only...

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Animated comedy featuring the voices of Owen Wilson and Paul Newman. Successful rookie racer Lightning McQueen (Wilson) has just won a three-way tie with elder rival Chick Hicks (Michael Keaton) and 'The King' (Richard Petty). On his way to the...

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iClever BoostCare 85dB volume limited Over Ear Headphones- Safe Sounds for Little Heads It's unavoidable: these days your child needs their own headphone set. Be it as part interactive learning at school or just for keeping them entertained during...

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